
POLITICO Playbook: Another Trump ally contracted coronavirus - Politico


HAPPY SATURDAY. It seems like it’s going to get near 70 degrees today in D.C., so get outside, if you can.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP’S decision to dump on absentee and mail-in balloting for months may come to be known as one of the worst strategic decisions in presidential campaign history. CLF, the House GOP super PAC, invested $5 million in a ballot chase program to get mail-in ballots from low-propensity Republican voters. TRUMP just decided to malign mail-in and absentee.

-- @jaketapper on his stance toward absentee/mail-in ballots: “It was idiotic. You want to make it easier for your voters to turn out, not harder.”

BLOOMBERG’S JEN JACOBS scooped Friday night that White House chief of staff MARK MEADOWS had the novel coronavirus. We were poking around on this story much of Friday, and we bring that up only to make this point: Several people who had been in direct contact with MEADOWS were not told he had the virus.

ANOTHER HIGH-PROFILE MEMBER OF THE PRESIDENT’S circle tested positive: GOP Rep. MATT GAETZ of Florida told multiple people on Capitol Hill and in the White House that he too had contracted the virus. GAETZ and his staff did not reply to a request for comment.


-- 28,833 VOTES in Pennsylvania.

-- 7,248 VOTES in Georgia.

-- 22,657 VOTES in Nevada.

-- 29,861 VOTES in Arizona.

CALL IT, nets.

WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN YOU’RE LOSING … @realDonaldTrump at 8:20 a.m.: “Tens of thousands of votes were illegally received after 8 P.M. on Tuesday, Election Day, totally and easily changing the results in Pennsylvania and certain other razor thin states. As a separate matter, hundreds of thousands of Votes were illegally not allowed to be OBSERVED…

“....This would ALSO change the Election result in numerous States, including Pennsylvania, which everyone thought was easily won on Election Night, only to see a massive lead disappear, without anyone being allowed to OBSERVE, for long intervals of time, what the happened…

“....Bad things took place during those hours where LEGAL TRANSPARENCY was viciously & crudely not allowed. Tractors blocked doors & windows were covered with thick cardboard so that observers could not see into the count rooms. BAD THINGS HAPPENED INSIDE. BIG CHANGES TOOK PLACE!”

GREAT STUFF INSIDE TRUMP WORLD, via REBECCA BALLHAUS, MIKE BENDER and ALEX LEARY of the WSJ: “Senior White House aides and political advisers have started discussing how to prepare Mr. Trump for the possibility of conceding without explicitly admitting defeat. Those talks have included plans to keep Mr. Trump on script as much as possible—always a complicated prospect—to avoid further undermining confidence in the country’s voting process, and urging him to focus on the final 75 days of his term.

“The president’s mood, an adviser said, is ‘black.’ He has spent the last few days seething over the vote count as it increasingly moves in Mr. Biden’s favor. He spent much of the day Thursday on the phone with advisers urging them to use every tool available to fight what is expected to be an election victory for Mr. Biden. A short speech Thursday evening in the White House briefing room offered a window into the president’s frustration, as he accused Democrats, pollsters and the news media of stealing the election from him.”

… AND FROM WAPO’S ASHLEY PARKER and JOSH DAWSEY: “Some close to the president are advocating that, if Biden is declared the winner of the presidential election, Trump will ultimately offer public remarks in which he commits to a peaceful transition of power, according to allies and Republican officials, who like others on Friday spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions. One senior campaign aide, however, said there had been no discussion of a concession speech.

“Trump is unlikely to ever concede in the traditional sense, allies said -- giving the sort of gracious, magnanimous speech the nation has come to expect at the end of even the most hard-fought presidential contests. If he loses, these people added, they expect Trump to continue to baselessly claim, as he has done for several days now, that the election was stolen.”

BIDEN LAYS DOWN HIS MARKER AGAINST TRUMPISM … NATASHA KORECKI, CHRIS CADELAGO and MATTHEW CHOI, with a Wilmington, Del., dateline: “‘We have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total, unrelenting, unending warfare,’ Biden said. ‘No. The purpose of our politics, the work of the nation, isn’t to fan the flames of conflict — but to solve problems. … We may be opponents, but we are not enemies. We are Americans.’”

THE TIM ALBERTA LEAD: “The Election That Broke the Republican Party”: “Never has the unprecedented been so utterly predictable.”

NYT’S SHANE GOLDMACHER, GLENN THRUSH and MIKE SHEAR: “Biden’s Team Steps Up Transition Plans, Mapping Out a White House”: “In Wilmington and Washington, Mr. Biden’s advisers and allies are ramping up their conversations about who might fill critical posts, both in the West Wing and across the agencies, guided heavily by Mr. Biden’s plan to assemble what would be the most diverse cabinet in history. …

“Among those expected to play a key health care role in a Biden administration is Vivek Murthy, a former surgeon general under President Barack Obama, who has privately advised Mr. Biden for months on the pandemic and is expected to play a large public role as a face of the potential Democratic administration’s response to the virus, dispensing advice on mask-wearing and social distancing. …

“Some Democratic House members who endorsed Mr. Biden early, such as Representative Filemon B. Vela Jr. of Texas and Representative Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania, could be in line for administration positions if they wanted them.”

ZACH WARMBRODT: “Former Wall Street cop Gary Gensler to join Biden transition”: “Gary Gensler, a former Obama administration official best known for cracking down on Wall Street banks, will join Joe Biden's presidential transition team and lead its review of financial regulatory agencies, people familiar with the matter said.

“Gensler’s involvement will likely calm the nerves of progressives who want Biden to take a hard line with the finance industry. The former Goldman Sachs partner faced off with the banking industry as chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 2009 to 2014, guiding the agency as it imposed new rules on Wall Street trading after the 2008 financial crisis.”

NATIONAL FRONTS: WaPo: “Biden inches closer to a presidential victory”NYT (banner): “BIDEN VAULTS AHEAD IN PENNSYLVANIA, WHICH OPENS PATH TO WHITE HOUSE”

N.Y. POST: “READY, SET … JOE: Biden thisclose to winning presidency” … “New York Post Shifts Tone on Trump as a Top Editor Plans His Own Exit,” by NYT’s Katie Robertson: “The president appears to be going down — and The Post is not about to go with him. With Mr. Trump headed toward a likely defeat, top editors at the tabloid told some staff members this week to be tougher in their coverage of him …

“In addition to the shift in tone, there will be a change in personnel: Col Allan, the Australian tabloid wizard who was once seen in the Post newsroom wearing a Make America Great Again cap, will call an end to his career of more than 40 years at Murdoch papers in New York and Sydney.” NYT

WHAT AMERICA IS READING … THE NATION’S FRONTS: Arizona Republic: “THE WORLD WAITS … Debunked ‘Sharpiegate’ persists as count continues … This year flipped conventional wisdom about Arizona ballots” … L.A. Times: “POISED TO PREVAIL: BIDEN PULLING AWAY IN CRUCIAL STATES … In O.C., the red is still showing” … Denver Post: “Biden: ‘We’re going to win’”

Miami Herald: “The count goes on -- with Biden moving to cusp of presidency”Tampa Bay Times: “Biden on the brink”Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “BIDEN’S LEAD GROWS”Boston Globe: “Biden on the doorstep of victory”Star Tribune: “DOING THE MATH”Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “Biden widens his lead in Pa.: ‘We are going to win this race’”

WHITE HOUSE DEPARTURE LOUNGE -- Ja’Ron Smith will be executive director of the Center for Advancing Opportunity, part of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. He previously was deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy.

DELTA’S DCA-ATL THE WINNER … ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION: “Ossoff, Perdue are headed for runoff in Georgia,” by Greg Bluestein: “U.S. Sen. David Perdue was forced into a January runoff against Democrat Jon Ossoff, making Georgia the home to twin 2021 showdowns that could determine control of the U.S. Senate.

“Ossoff’s rising vote totals as absentee ballots were counted put Perdue under the 50% mark required to win the November contest outright. U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Georgia’s other Republican incumbent, will face Democrat Raphael Warnock in a Jan. 5 runoff.”

BAD NEWS FOR THE HOUSE DEM CAUCUS … ALLY MUTNICK and SARAH FERRIS: “House Dems brace for more losses”: “Speaker Nancy Pelosi has so far lost seven incumbents in Tuesday’s election, and that number could increase to about a dozen as more votes are tallied in New York, California and Utah. That would leave Democrats with a razor-thin margin -- and an even more emboldened GOP minority -- as the party looks to govern under a potential President Joe Biden.”

YESSSS … L.A. TIMES: “Move over, chartthrobs King, Kornacki. We’re watching these 10 election 2020 standouts”: “Phil Mattingly: There’s nothing more simultaneously stressful and soothing than CNN’s Phil Mattingly talking percentages while tapping, gliding and pinching his fingers across the magic wall. The congressional correspondent, who has been rotating touchscreen analysis duties with John King, has been the ideal election week insomnia companion. His ability to write legibly on a screen, do math quickly and provide in-depth information on the election process is hypnotic to watch. Even the magic wall’s heart skipped a beat — finding itself temporarily on the fritz while he was on duty. Watching Mattingly, I can’t help but wonder how he deals with touchscreens in the wild: Does he speed through the process at a Target self-checkout? How elaborate does he make his Insta stories? Is he passing on these skills to his children? …

“Abby D. Phillip: Starting back in January when she moderated a contentious Democratic debate, CNN political correspondent Abby D. Phillip has been consistently impressive throughout this surreal year. And throughout the ‘election night’ that turned into three days (and counting), she has been a freakishly poised front of clear-eyed analysis, particularly when it comes to the racial and gender dynamics of this election. Case in point, on Friday, as Joe Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania, she noted the ‘historical poetry’ of his likely victory and the pivotal role Black women played in making it happen. ‘Donald Trump’s political career began with the racist birther lie,’ she said. ‘It may very well end with a Black woman in the White House.’

“Dave Wasserman: Is there a better mantra for this extended presidential removal process than ‘I’ve seen enough’? That happens to be the motto of Dave Wasserman, the House editor for the Cook Political Report, who achieved internet cult status during the 2018 midterms. While anchors were declaring the blue wave DOA, he proved otherwise, knocking out his calls one ‘I’ve seen enough’ at a time. The data journalist’s data journalist, he feeds the district fetish of 2020. (As of this writing, he was reporting Lehigh County returns.) And unlike certain numbers gurus, he shuns the spotlight. On election night, he felt it was his duty to avoid punditry: ‘Tonight, I’ll be in my usual preferred setting: crunching data in the “back of house.”’”


CLICKER -- “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker -- 15 keepers

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Margy Slattery and the staff of POLITICO Magazine:

-- “She Used to Clean City Hall. Now, She Runs It,” by NYT’s Andrew Kramer: “In Russia, elections are typically theatrical affairs with the winner and loser preordained. Sometimes, though, they go off script.” NYT

-- “Dr. Opioid,” by Chris Pomorski in HuffPost Highline: “William O’Brien was a well-heeled doctor with a thriving Philadelphia medical practice. He was also at the center of a massive painkiller supply chain run by an outlaw biker gang.” HuffPost

-- “Fates and Furies,” by Vanessa Grigoriadis in Vanity Fair’s November issue: “When Jennifer Farber disappeared in 2019 … press coverage almost exclusively painted her as a missing suburban mom. But reducing the 50-year-old’s life to a familiar tabloid trope missed so much of her story.” VF

-- “A Nameless Hiker and the Case the Internet Can’t Crack,” by Nicholas Thompson in Wired: “The man on the trail went by ‘Mostly Harmless.’ He was friendly and said he worked in tech. After he died in his tent, no one could figure out who he was.” Wired

-- “The Remarkable Life of Roxie Laybourne,” by Chris Sweeney in Audubon, from October: “From deep within the Smithsonian, the world’s first forensic ornithologist cracked cases, busted criminals, and changed the course of aviation—making the skies safer for us all.” Audubon

-- “How Gillian Welch and David Rawlings Held Onto Optimism,” by Hanif Abdurraqib in the NYT Magazine: “The uncertainties of 2020 led the folk duo to discover a new emotional urgency in songs about the slow, challenging, beautiful heat of living.” NYT Magazine

-- “The Real Super Bowl of 2020 Was Played Across the Street in a New Jersey Suburb,” by WSJ’s Jason Gay: “He’s 60. They’re 8 and 6. How three neighbors invented a game that saved a weird pandemic summer.” WSJ


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

TRANSITION -- Lizzy Simmons is now manager of public policy at Amazon. She most recently was VP for government relations and workforce development at the National Retail Federation, and is a Tim Scott alum.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD -- Michael Mansour, legislative director for Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), and Ginny Mansour, director of business development at the R Street Institute, welcomed John Charles “Charlie” Mansour II on Oct. 15. He came in at 10 lbs and 21.75 inches and is named for Michael’s late father. Pic

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) is 62 … Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) is 57 … Rep. Susie Lee (D-Nev.) is 54 … Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga.) is 69 … former CIA Director David Petraeus, now a partner at KKR and chair of the KKR Global Institute … Sheila Nix, senior adviser for Joe Biden’s campaign … Liz Allen, managing director at the Glover Park Group, is 36 (h/t Ben Chang) ... POLITICO’s Elena Schneider … Michael Kratsios, U.S. chief technology officer at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy … Blackstone’s Jen Friedman … Caroline Tabler, comms director for Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) … Kate O’Connor, chief counsel for the House Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee GOP … Telemundo/NBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart … Siobhan Gorman, partner at Brunswick Group (h/ts George Little and Tim Griffin) … Adams Nager …

… Brad Woodhouse, executive director of Protect Our Care … ABC’s Kaylee Hartung … Jonathan Tannenwald … Meghan Roh … Andrea Krizner … Dana Schultz (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Ben Golnik … former Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.) is 9-0 … George Thompson, SVP, senior partner and general manager at FleishmanHillard (h/t Jon Haber) … Democracy Partners’ David Grossman … Erin Green … Avi Zvi Zenilman is 36 … Jeff Bjornstad is 53 … Trey Graham … Daniel Libit … Olivia Lucas … Phil LaRue … Max Viscio … Perry Goffner … Kate Murphy … Betsy Bourassa … Burson Taylor Snyder … Jamila Bey … Liz Llorente … Kathy Killeavy … Kyle Kerchaert … Jeanneane Maxon … Adnaan Muslim, partner at Deliver Strategies … Jackie Lemaire … Glennis Meagher … Pat Devlin … POLITICO Europe’s Agathe Legris … Tory Mazzola … Marcus Luttrell

THE SHOWS (Full Sunday show listings here):

  • “Meet the Press”: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) … Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) … House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) … Geoff Bennett and Kelly O’Donnell. Panel: Cornell Belcher, Andrea Mitchell, Dave Wasserman and Peggy Noonan.

  • “State of the Union”: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) … House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) … Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.

  • “Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah). Panel: Dana Perino, Jerry Seib and Marie Harf. Power Player: Army chief of staff Gen. James McConville.

  • “This Week”: Panel: Rahm Emanuel, Chris Christie, Matt Dowd and Yvette Simpson.

  • “Face the Nation”: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) … Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) … Scott Gottlieb … Anthony Salvanto. Panel: Mark Strassman, Bob Scheiffer and David Becker.

  • “America This Week with Eric Bolling”: Nigel Farage … Anthony Scaramucci … Charlie Kirk … Austan Goolsbee … Amy Gardner.

  • “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) … Matt Schlapp … Kevin Cirilli.

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November 07, 2020 at 09:15PM

POLITICO Playbook: Another Trump ally contracted coronavirus - Politico
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