Load the family up in the car and head off for Easter Sunday service at … the drive-in movie theater?

Yes, that’s right. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as most places of worship have gone to livestreaming their services to observe social distancing restrictions, San Jose’s Southridge Church has decided to hold its Easter Sunday services at nearby West Wind Capitol Drive-In.

“I keep saying this statement: that calm is contagious,” Pastor Micaiah Irmler told NBC Bay Area. “And I feel like the church can lead the way in showing that we need to be aware of what’s going on, but we don’t need to be afraid. So, let’s be practicing social distancing but not spiritual distancing.”

The event is free to attend. But interested parties must register in advance through the church’s website, https://southridgesanjose.com/, picking which of the four services — 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. — they wish to attend. There are a limited number of spaces, so sign up soon if you’re interested.

Then you drive to the theater, take your parking place and, of course, practice proper social distancing by not leaving your vehicle.

“All attendees must remain in their vehicles at all times,” a message on the church website stresses. “To maintain social distancing, vehicles will be designated to park 6-feet away from each other.”

The sermon will be delivered via a radio transmitter so that people can listen — just like they normally would do at this drive-in — on their FM radios.

The event is dubbed “Easter Essentials” and the church will be giving away free “essentials,” including fabric masks, Easter eggs, toiletries and more.