
19 "Game Of Thrones" Theories And Questions That Will Make You Shout, "I Need To Know The Answer To These!" - BuzzFeed

Guys, Game of Thrones returns in just a few short days!!! So, we asked the BuzzFeed Community what theories and questions they want answered in the eighth, and FINAL, season. The results will blow your mind like the Great Sept of Baelor...

Warning: Spoilers ahead, but then...why are you reading this if you're not all caught up?!?!

1. Is Azor Ahai Jon, Dany...or someone else?


"Missandei said the direct translation is: 'The Prince/Princess That Was Promised.' Could it be that boat-sex baby IS Azor Ahai?"


2. Which brother is going to kill Cersei?


"I want it to be Jaime, but I also want it to be Tyrion. In the end I don’t really care who does it, as long as she dies."


3. Will Harry Strickland, leader of the Golden Company, be in possession of the legendary Targaryen Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre?


"Blackfyre was originally owned by Aegon The Conqueror. After the events of the Blackfyre Rebellion, Aegor 'Bittersteel' Rivers (bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen) fled to the Free Cities where he founded the Golden Company, with Blackfyre in hand."


4. Is Arya going to use Littlefinger's face to assassinate someone else?


"I think Arya is going to use Littlefinger’s face to get into King’s Landing to kill Cersei. And Arya may also have Jaime’s face at some point when she kills him."


5. Is Syrio Forel actually alive?


"I’ve always thought that Syrio Forel made it out alive! The last thing he said to Arya was, 'Not today.' So maybe he really did live past that battle. His 'death' was left so open ended. I hope he’s OK I loved him so much."


6. Is Jaqen H'ghar...Rhaegar Targaryen?


Jaqen obviously knows something we don’t. The way he treats Arya and the knowing smirk he gives her when she leaves for Winterfell (and simply the fact that he lets her leave without a known consequence) just leads me to think there is something about him that is important. I’ve heard theories that he is Rhaegar and given hints throughout the books and show, I’m pretty convinced.


7. What's hidden in the crypts of Winterfell?


The Stark children (Jon included) and Ned Stark dreamt about going down there. Jon and Ned felt like they were being watched by the stone kings as they walked further into the crypts so it must mean something is in there, right?


8. Will we ever find out why Podrick is so good in bed?!

9. Will Arya and Gendry FINALLY reunite?!


"It's not a theory, but if I don’t see Arya and Gendry reunite I’m gonna lose my MIND."


10. Is Gendry actually the child of Robert Baratheon and CERSEI?


"I want to see Gendry be revealed as the assumed stillborn son of Robert and Cersei. His mother is a mystery and it would be great to see that Gendry is in fact is Cersei's son. It would be awesome to see him being the right ruler of Westeros, after marrying Arya."


11. Will Brienne profess her love to Jaime?

12. Did Bran's warging (his ability to enter others' minds) set off a chain of events that start the entire show?


"Did Bran Stark warg into the Mad King and cause his madness and did he do the same with Bran the Builder and thus build the wall?"


13. Who is Quaithe (the mysterious woman Jorah encountered who comes from Asshai, like Melisandre) — how does she know all about Dany?!


"What was her motive for trying to help Dany?"


14. Why did Lyanna name Jon "Aegon" when his half brother's name was Aegon?

15. Is Cersei ACTUALLY pregnant?


"Will Cersei give birth to her and Jaime’s offspring before she’s killed?"


16. Will Nymeria come back?

17. Will we see Stark White Walkers?


"Since there will be the Battle of Winterfell, will the previous (dead) Starks become White Walkers?"


18. Is the Night King after one specific person?


"I don't think it's Jon, but is it Baby Sam? He was supposed to be sacrificed to him and he wasn't???"


19. And finally, will Tyrion ever get to finish telling his jackass and honeycomb joke?


"Tyrion's started this story, 'I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel...' twice now, and we still haven't heard how it ends."


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2019-04-10 13:16:00Z

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